MMHS bro i actually feel bad for people like all that effort and time put into sharing their stories and dreams for sehs gone down the gutter but yea vce is the important thing
YR10SEHSASPIRANT JMSSaspirant yeah its cuz i dont have any friends that got in lol but its allg i know a couple of ppl from diff skls
MMHS din yea ik but there is probably 50ish spots left currently and the extra rounds after round 2 are mainly to fill these gaps but yea ig ur right
Miio MMHS haha I don’t really know why I’m so positive (maybe because I’m don’t really like being sad and depressed but I do get those moments some times) !!
din MMHS yeah ik my chances are low of getting in later rounds so im studying for next yr but im hoping for pd cz my friend last yr got pd for schs with 1 superior
MMHS Moonlight_31 if there are 50 spots left and id say around 1100 kids have received an offer so far, you chances stand around 1%