MMHS clover but you know what i would dislike about buying a new laptop, in like yr 10 we get to use our own laptop I'm pretty sure, i see a bunch of people with like MacBooks in our school so like 1 year of usage is nothing so i reckon ill keep it until yr 12
MMHS ik we already got an ffer but imma read over the 2022 selective results bc its so cool to see others who got in. BROOOOO now we are those guys who say 'Hi there, I can help you along your journey, I'm in yr 9 [SEHS] and sat the test last year'. Wow everything has gone by so slow but so quick
MMHS clover i was js wondering, what is ur dream occupation and the subjects u wish to pursue in yr 12
clover MMHS i'm hoping to venture into the medical field, possibly as an anaesthetist or a doctor. i'm looking towards like specialist maths, literature (maybe), biology, a language subject (idk which exactly, i've got a few options) and Chemistry. wbu?