are you in seal? thats what i thought. youre not in our class, you dont know what happens in our classroom, you havent heard the amount of times, ive been called stupid, been ridiculed just for being averagely smart. like yes, im sorry that not everyone invests their whole life into academics, some of us focus on sports. you havent heard the amount of times, these boys have told me i wasnt good enough to go pro, and when theyve told me "oh youre not going anywhere cause youre a girl". yes im a girl, and im better at football than all of you. each of these boys has treated me with misoygny. theyve left me in tears and have called me a h03 just because boys like me?! i cant help that boys like me, i cant. theyve s3xuali$3d me and said the most disgusting things about me, but okay, lets make them the victims. you dont know whats happened, you dont. ive had days when i almost ended things just because of them, in fact this time last year is an example. for the sake, of not doing what they did to me and embarrasing them online, ill keep it to myself.
but how could you try and critisice 818 when you dont know what shes been through? whatever youre doing, its the equivilant of you believing random bs on the internet. 818 is in my class, and shes one of the sweetest people ive met, well at times. ive seen her get bullied and abused by this class, and i feel bad. yes she watches mukbang in class but did it ever occur to you why? as someone whose struggled with an eating disorder, watching mukbang gave me hope to recover, you dont know what she might be going through, do you? no one deserves to be called stupid everyday and ridiculed over a stupid test for a stupid school. at the end of the day its just a school. youll just be wearing a uniform. good job getting into selective but it doesnt mean anything because unless you can be a genuine person, youre not going anywhere, sorry to break it to you.