anastasia YR10SEHSASPIRANT i didnt even write the sehs to get in, idc about it, i did it cause mt fav afghan guy wrote it too but we both didnt get in unfortuantely so ill be w him again this year, yay guys, win win
YR10SEHSASPIRANT 818 just leave please, nobody on this forum wants you here and ur js causing trouble
din wait guys if i go to emmanuel next yr and sit for SEHS yr 10 entry do my chances go lower for getting in
anastasia YR10SEHSASPIRANT i was training while u were wasting ur life messaging on some random forum, im only here cause im bored xoxo
MMHS YR10SEHSASPIRANT loll i mean i haven't ogtten in fights but i have a mad strong handshake bc i do martial arts and go gym