I really only have two questions (for ex- or current algorithmics students), so if you want to save time, please scroll down to the end of my post; the questions are in bold. I am planning (hoping) for quite a high atar as both the university and undergrad course that I am trying to apply for are HIGHLY competitive. The paragraph below is a (ironically long) context summary.
I'm going to start off this post with a very disappointing statement for ex-Algorithmics students: I have zero prior experience in coding. However, as my electives, I am taking robotics and information technologies, which will briefly introduce me to coding (and algorithmics in general; what a great bonus!). My school suggests that possible vce pathways for these two electives are computing and algorithmics, and that no prior knowledge of coding is necessary for algorithmics. This has spurred two major questions:
Is coding knowledge ACTUALLY not necessary for algorithmics HESS? Majority of students argue that their background in python has helped them immensely (I am going to briefly learn coding as part of my robotics and information technologies electives and I go to a selective entry school in Victoria (does that even make a difference?))?
If there is something you could do differently to earn a higher RAW study score for VCE Algorithmics, what would you do?
Bonus: What resources did you use to get ahead/do well in class?