ReyanSuccessfulSelectiveAplicant if u got into a selective skl ur a boota thuga
Sejal no, punjabi word, means large
nikhilNossal craz1
nikhilNossal bada
nikhilNossal In Hindi it is more like "bada"
Sejal ye moyte
ATAR ahem what
ATAR whitewashed what is with u and the word mate lmfao
YR10SEHSASPIRANT it was meant to be mate? ðŸ˜
Sejal yep lol
Sejal why are you crying
YR10SEHSASPIRANT u got a problem with how i type moyte
ATAR nope feel free to use mate as much as u want
YR10SEHSASPIRANT thanks for allowing me to use moyte, moyte
ATAR allg lmfao
YR10SEHSASPIRANT did u book the nossal info night
MauryanBroski yeah, u?
boys we got 100% in woodwork
MMHS nice
MMHS fat w