Melona ⭐ Miio CONGRATS OMG 😭 I AM SO SO SO HAPPY FOR YOU SERIOUSLY 🥹 I was really rooting for you to get the offer
MMHS Miio WOW lets goo u were an og and deserve this pd, just don't think about the competition and be yourself at the interviews
Miio MMHS Thank you 😭 I didn’t think I would get one !!! Yup I’ll take that advice thanks hope I don’t get to nervous haha !!
Miio Melona ⭐ OMG TYSM 😭😭😭!! 🥹now I have to write the application hopefully I don’t get tooooo anxious haha !!
Miio YR10SEHSASPIRANT MMHS Thank you so much !! 😭😭 yes I have some co curricula like I have done singing flute and piano and I have won a piano comp but nothing state level but I have joined a debating team and quite invested in swimming 😭😭😭