MMHS bro im actually so excited to start at mhs, like i wanna be like arnav kadian lol that first day in the life vid is exactly what I'll be doing like the pt and everything
mhsbandar MMHS lol ive been binging a lot of his stuff recently and it has given me even more motivation and reason to study harder for sehs because i want to be in that position too, just feeling like all my hard work has finally paid off lol
MMHS mhsbandar bro i remember when u first joined and were asking for tips and we were reluctant coz we hadn't gotten in yet and were still waiting, but that time has just flown by and its almost been a month since first round offers were released
MMHS bro i don't know why schs and nossal don't get enough recognition, the way arnav portrays schs is really good like it just seems like a really positive environment in his friend group
MMHS anyone watched puss in boots the last wish, i love that movie and the antogonist was definitely some of dreamworks best work