I am a high achieving student but I followed the advice of my teachers and chose subjects I liked and not for the atar even though I could've done math methods. I did a cert 4 and so only have 5 subjects. I did not get the mark I wanted for visual art and before i was on track for a 94 atar which is what i needed for the scholarship I wanted. Now I am on track for a 92 and I don't know what to do. It is a scholarship that I can apply for after my first year but knowing that I could've gotten it all this year has made me feel so good and motivated to do well to get the scholarship but know I can't. If I do really really well I can get high 93s atar so I'm wondering is that at all enough? I know that it won't be but I just need someone to tell me it's fine that I'm not stupid for not choosing methods when I could do it and needed a high atar because right now I am just really depressed and feel like all the effort I put in is for nothing.