ReyanSuccessfulSelectiveAplicant MauryanBroski our narre warren team is so stacked bro, we are easy winning the comp
YR10SEHSASPIRANT ReyanSuccessfulSelectiveAplicant luckkyy i got nobody good other than thenuja me and him gotta carry
ReyanSuccessfulSelectiveAplicant YR10SEHSASPIRANT lol thats tuff, last yr our team made it to grannys but lost
MMHS BengaliCamel why would there be, schools make that choice to cater for a specific time period in which they are free to host the new cohort or perhaps other school-personal reasons
MMHS BengaliCamel no it wasn't, i knew people who went to orientation for parade yr 7 in December, but for my current school it was very late november
MauryanBroski Dosanjh (NHS) not rlly. like my friend had mhs as pref 1 nossal at 2 and schs at 3. he got schs r1 but declined and round 3 or smthh he got nossal which he accepted
MauryanBroski Dosanjh (NHS) mb i didnt read it right. no i didnt take it at the school however my friends did