asianasen js a question regarding the john monash test this year for year 9s, does the exam date crash with the nossal test for year 9s (for year 10 entry)?
DV78 asianasen there within a timeframe of 2 weeks, exam period same times as all. i wouldnt clash as they dont got enough invisulators and edu test cant handle both at the same time although they may be the day after each other idk
.. asianasen nah, they both run by Edutest so there is a chance 100% they don't decline as edutest is aware most kids do both. In 2024 the dates were 2 days apart, 15th of June for JMSS and 17th of June for NHS.
din apply for both, and theyll tell u the date of the exams in like may but idt theyll clash, cos alot of ppl sit both exams
asianasen i already applied last year (for year 9 entry), think I've said it before, but i did manage to get in but forgot to check second and third round offers and missed the chance miko
din what topics should i study for maths for yr 10 entrance, like should i focus on algebra and parabolas that side of maths or should i study geometry, like what comes up on the test
miko din Algebra and mathematical complex worded problems and just study the formula of algebraic equations.