asianasen For chem, I did not like the Heinemann textbook at all, since it had way too many unnecessary details and was hard to read. So definitely would recommend purchasing notes that would condense everything into important, high-yield stuff, unless you have a goated chem teacher who gives out excellent, clear powerpoints.
Didn't do physics so you might want to ask someone else regarding that matter 🙂
For maths subjects, the Cambridge textbook is def the best! And of course, practicing more questions by doing company exams from MAV, Heffernan, Kilbaha, and the official VCAA exams.
For English, Litcharts and Sparknotes were my go-to websites for text response. Not so sure about crafting or argument analysis, but Lisa's Study Guides do give you a good overview. Personally, reading high-scoring essays and noting down their vocabulary, sentence structures and ideas were super helpful for me in years 11 and 12.