Dosanjh (NHS) chxin 1000% Try to be more realistic, don't bring up things we didn't discussed this is an educational platform not a site for you to assume others let alone accuse. And "don't swear, god is listening"
Dosanjh (NHS) chxin I'm balanced besides if you remember a few weeks before You! were the cockiest person and you may have changed but so have I so learn to accept that rather than making conflicts to make yourself feel better if you get into MHS good for you but don't bring others down.
Dosanjh (NHS) chxin I know what high school is like and Loyola college isn't a good school besides 4% rule meaning if you go to a bad school getting into MHS is easy, don't act smart and let alone rely on others to side with you. Ok don't start problems pls
MHS successful candidate Dosanjh (NHS) bro u dont know how hard it is to get in from certain school so dont assume like actually buv. Bro what if I say it is so ez to get in from ur school and ur a failure if u dont like wtf
Dosanjh (NHS) chxin Well it is one of the best music and arts school in all of Victoria known for it's programs and VCE top results
MMHS Dosanjh (NHS) bro is self glazing again. You are basically putting forth every good thing you think you do to us so that we get scared and think we should be more like you.
chxin Dosanjh (NHS) im not ur enemy ur ego is ur enemy so change that because there's gonna be people who want to see you fail and the reason I said I dont want u at mhs is cut of ur ego, change ur ego ill be ur best friend and will welcome u if I get in through the great doors of grand mis
MHS successful candidate chxin yeah real like he js says stuff about others lke getting in cuz its ezz to get in from their school and bro thinks he is the best in the world .