Dosanjh (NHS) chxin So at least you will pay 4k for a laptop but it is for 4 years so 1k per year which is 19/20 less than what you pay so you save 19k per year
Sejal but if chxin gets in then he wouldnt even have to pay the school fees but he would still have to pay for the laptop when he alr has a pretty good model
NOSSALSUCCESSBUTNOTGOING MauryanBroski bro macs r so overrated nobodys spendingn 2k on somn that runs the same as and i7 and a intel graphics card
chxin Dosanjh (NHS) no like where I live {donnybrook} its a colony im not lying come here one day go. to Kalkallo towncentre
Dosanjh (NHS) Uh only 2 years in Blackburn but if I get into MHS I will be a bit sad knowing I'm not going to Nossal
Dosanjh (NHS) Because Nossal has everything I love and you get to learn Japanese there which I want to learn as I wish to go to Tokyo when I'm older but if I go to MHS I don't know what I'll learn