tuliplover FH ⭐️ chappel recently has been soooo good in love! have your heard the new skz comeback ?? i wish you love - laufey
FH ⭐️ tuliplover YESSS you can say that skz ‘ate’ (ha ha im hilarious ik 🙄). chk chk boom and i like it >> m.i.a by stray kids (shocking)
tuliplover FH ⭐️ that's so sad 🙁 hope you do well on that exam!! (even though you have a few months left for it) mess it up - gracie abrams
FH ⭐️ tuliplover CAUSE EVERYTIME I GET TOO CLOSE I JUST GO MESS IT UP 💥💥 tuliplover thankss, tbh wouldve been hesitant to go bc ticketmaster is selling tixs, abd they always boost prices due to demand
tuliplover FH ⭐️ I KEEP THINKING MAYBE IF YOU LET ME BACK IN ‼️ but honestly yeah ticketmaster scares me there are so many aggressive and competitive people 😭😭