Thank you for the questions everyone!
- if you could only eat the same food every day your whole life what would be your (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack)?
For this I'm thinking more from the viewpoint of utility so probably some staple (e.g. rice) + as many different meats/veggies/toppings/sides so I could deconstruct and eat certain parts of it for each meal to produce more variety for different meals
- who do you think is the most underrated artist?
I'm basing underrated on a ratio of how good the artist is to popularity so probably Run the Jewels
- what's a topic people should know more about?
Public Health
- What are you currently studying at uni?
Doctor of Medicine and Surgery at ANU
- What advice would you give to your younger self (especially in yr 12)?
That it isn't as serious as everyone makes it out to be. I was probably too pedantic over sac marks/ranking whilst doing a 3/4 during year 11 but by the time I was in year 12 I was more relaxed I think. Obviously everyone should still do their best but once you start university everyone forgets about VCE. Although I feel like if I was in year 12 right now I may not take that advice.
- Whats your favourite colour?
Had to think about this a little and settled on a light blue
- How would you spend your last day on earth?
I am assuming this means it is just my last day on earth and not everyone's. If so I would try to spend as much time as possible with those close to me. I feel like doing extravagant things wouldn't feel that great if you knew it was your last day.
- What are you studying at uni/how did you decide what you wanted to do?
Answered above! I feel like I still haven't decided on exactly what I would like to do, but a few factors I considered is that I would like to do something in a field that is constantly evolving to allow for continued learning and education as well as something that I felt I would be self-motivated to do.
- Favourite sports to play and/or watch?
Football (Soccer), Cricket, Basketball, F1
Will get to the remaining questions a little later!