i want to do chemistry 3/4 next year, but i did not do 1/2 this year. i was wondering if the workload would be too much if i did 3/4 without much previous experience with chemistry. is there any overlap with chemistry and biology?

    Wouldn’t recommend it.

    U need a solid understanding of the mole, redox reactions. Balancing equations, etc….

    U could do it but it would be a lot of work…. Like heaps

      The overlap with bio is in aos2 unit 4, so it’s not much help for the first 2 and a half terms

      God I agree. Unit 1 and 2 chem is pretty crucial for unit 3 and 4, specifically for redox, stoichiometry, chem calculations, moles, organic chem, etc. I've heard of people doing it, but I really wouldn't recommend it. I've personally found chem hard enough this year, even though I've done all the units, and units 1 and 2 have been a massive help. There is an overlap with food chem and enzymes/proteins in bio, but you don't need to do bio for this chem content to make sense (and if anything, it can be problematic because certain phrases and words are not interchangeable between each subject). Bio isn't all that helpful for chem (I'd honestly say that I've found chem to be more helpful for bio).


      I agree with everyone here. Do you know what you want to do after school? Are there any uni courses that you're interested in? Bc I only recommend picking it up if you have to absolutely do so for uni prereqs.

      If you still want to do it then, see how you go your commencement classes (intro in 3/4 classes at the end of the yr). Have a look at the study design and if it puts you off. I wouldn't do it. If you do pick it up, there is still a lot of catching up to do.

      Don't hesitate to ask if you have any more questions,
      beep boop

        Also, the curriculum is changing next year. I believe the only overlap with bio is being cut out of the curriculum, however I may be wrong.

          11 days later
          5 days later


          The study design changes next year for unit 1&2 but the year after for units 3&4


          There is overlap but it's at the end of the year and not as much as what you're missing from not doing chem 1&2.
          If you want chem for prereqs for something do focused study these holidays on stoichiometry, the mol concept etc.

          It's possible but like what everyone else is saying, you would need to work for it.

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