Hey Cynopoly,
So I did English Language 3/4 this year and am going to do the Literature 3/4 exam (my last one!!) in about 6 hours. I did 1/2 for both of them last year.
My main tips for EngLang especially as I understand you are starting them both at 1/2 is to really immerse yourself in the metalanguage and content. The style of answering questions and metalanguage is a huge learning curve and very difficult in the first term but after 1/2, 3/4 will really be a breeze as for me it was. Ask lots of questions to your teachers, tutors and definitely ATARNotes. You definitely can’t be perfect but try your level best to pick out metalanguage in your everyday! For example just then used an exclamation point for added emphasis of my enthuasiasm about EngLang. There are 3 sections in the exam with 2 hours in year 12 so you really have to work on writing in year 11 (mainly just doing the assigned class work) to make it a bit easier. If by the end of th year you feel you understand what and AC, Essay and SAQ entails, you’ll be fine. 3/4 is really where the hard yakka (colloquialism) is put in with submitting writing for feedback but the earlier the better. I was also very lucky to have 2 very good teachers. I loved the content so much and EngLang was one of my favourite subjects even though I thought about dropping it numerous times in year 11, I just enjoyed the content but felt that I sucked. If you like it definitely stick with it.
Now, lit. Oh literature. It really is not as hard and difficult and streunous as some people make it iut to be. If you enjoy analysis and discussion dw you’ll fit right in. You have to read your books without a doubt on each holidays for the next 2 years and do the required writing. Alas I lost motivation in lockdown and did not submit 1/2 lit homework which I will pay for in today’s exam. However, if you have a passionate teacher like I did and like most literature classes do you will truly engage with the content at a deeper level. The thing is imposter syndrome sometimes kicks in for some people like “omg what everyone says is so smart compared to mine”. I felt I slayed lang but not lit yet but I had to understand that doing both of these subjects gives you an edge and unique flavour. The learning curve for me was the writing style. The content is relatively easy, you discuss texts in class with smart people like yourself and then you use a very open ended structure to write. I found this a bit difficult shift balancing lang and lit yet once you get the hang of it you can really appreciate how cool it is to do this. The thing I recommend for lit is to build vocabulary. Create a or section in your notes where you regularly add flowery phrases and sentences such as the “ephemerality of joy” the “profound mundanity of the domestic” I usually just note it down when the teacher classmate or internet says something cool. It’s really ok if you don’t speak like that flowery though as long as you develop interpretations of your text and can write about you’re fine.
Sorry that was very long hope it helps! Good luck and let me know if you have any other questions.
edit: removed an emoji because it didn’t look the way I wanted.