Melona ⭐ Another tip that I'm sure everyone does but write the alphabet on the working out paper for letter/alphabet problems, because these patterns are actually super simple
mhs-grinder try to practice writing the full alphabet in 10 seconds since in questions in vr they will ask to find alphabet patterns and writing it fast will save lots of time. NO JOKE, bc there will be about 30 seconds for each question and it would be rlly consuming if u wrote the alphabet in like 20 seconds and have to 10 seconds t find the pattern
:): Ronaldo all trips are gifs some trips are wifs if u will make this into a venn diagram it's not necessary that all gifs are wifs. Because it says only some trips are wifs which means that there could be wifs that are not trips and so are not gifs (Beause trips is inside gifs). But 'C' here says SOME gifs are wifs which holds true... Idk but that's how i got 'C'
Ronaldo Actually no this is due to me making a typo instead of the sentence where it says some all it’s just meant to be all meaning a is correct as it connects also venn diagram is very useful for these as it is crucial to work out which connects without losing focus my doing it mentally
MauryanBroski :): That would be right but in the question wifs (C) some gifs are wifs) is the option while they aren't mention at all in the question wips are mentioned.
sui anyone got any nr tests cause i finished all the ones that were the hendersons,jac etc,so if anyone could give me jsut 1 or 2 it would be really appreciated
MMHS sui honestly, i have finished them too, but, i am always redoing each test to keep improving my score and see my growth bc i will pick up some skills and hopefully put them in use the nest time i do the same test.
anisha sui may i ask which nr tests u used? can u pls send me the link? just wanted some more practise on nr