MauryanBroski :): That would be right but in the question wifs (C) some gifs are wifs) is the option while they aren't mention at all in the question wips are mentioned.
sui anyone got any nr tests cause i finished all the ones that were the hendersons,jac etc,so if anyone could give me jsut 1 or 2 it would be really appreciated
MMHS sui honestly, i have finished them too, but, i am always redoing each test to keep improving my score and see my growth bc i will pick up some skills and hopefully put them in use the nest time i do the same test.
anisha sui may i ask which nr tests u used? can u pls send me the link? just wanted some more practise on nr
MMHS anisha here they are: this has rn and all others tests too
KDC How many people are trying out at your guys' schools? There are only 6 people (apart from me ofc). 3 girls and 3 boys out of 120 students.
ZarraorTheDinosaur MauryanBroski Yeah, 443 students and around 90 our trying out. Hopefully a7 of us can get in?