It says on the selective portal website

nvm srry yes the principals discretion did come out last friday and closed this thursday

5 days later

Also Ik its kinda late to ask but what kinds of questions were on teh test

Like would u say they’re yr 9 level or exceeding? And were there questions on trig or surds on the SEHS test

    Also what kinds of questions r gonna be asked in VR or RC?

    Mina hii im a current nossal yr 9 student i know the test changed from edutest to acer so i cant say too much about the content of the test now. when i did the sehs entry test in 2022, the math test had some surd questions. i dont think there were any trig questions, but when i did practice tests, there were a few. remember that the actual test wont allow a calculator, so there wont be any complex evaluation trig questions. regardless, id recommend u familiarise urself w most of the yr 9 math concepts and yr 10 if possible. vr was shockingly easy with the questions being simple to understand, however i know a lot of my friends struggled with it because they didnt understand the meaning of a lot of words. a good vocabulary is definitely the key to succeeding in vr. i built up my vocab over time by keeping a word bank, finding definitions and regularly revising them. rc was way easier than i expected as well. all the passages were max one page, so u wont get 7 pages worth of text for 3 questions. instead of working on stamina (which ofc is still important) focus on reading for meaning. there were some poems in there, so familiarise with understanding poetry as well. a lot of the answers in rc were very similar to each other, which made it a little hard, but tons of practice and process of elimination rlly helped out. if u want more info on what was in each of the tests, how to prep or anything else lmk!!

      Tyy soo much. Idrk if the tests have changed a lot but the overall concepts would probably be similar to previous tests. So this might help!

      njsnlc were there any specific topics i should focus on when preparing for the maths or quantitative part of the test other than the things u’ve already listed?

        There's no 'specific' part you have to focus on cause the math test is quite broad from what I remember. And I'm pretty sure the topics in it may change year to year but it won't differ too much. It's best to learn everything you might need to know cause there's always a possibility of it being on the tests.

        a month later


        They already came out, and its very rare to get one (especially now).

        someone in my class got one

        6 days later

        does anyone live in geelong and go to suzenne cory?

        6 months later

        Hi guys, I know this post hasn't been touched since 2023 but I'm taking the selective exam this year so I was wondering if you guys have any tips since the test is like 5 weeks away? I was wondering what topics will be in the quantitative or maths (IM trying to build my understanding of concepts)? Also for verbal is there any way you can build a good vocabulary? My first preference is Macrob and second is Nossal so if I don't get in first preference is there still a chance to get ur second preference?



          is it possible to get into year 10 selective school if I start now please I did the test in year 8 and did not make it in and gave up but I had a sudden change and I wanted to get in so any tips or ideas how the test will be different from last year will it be acer or edu and any other help PLEASE HELP ME.

          i have the same question please reply if u get any tips or info