Other33 MMHS Does your school teach you Pythagoras and trigonometry, surds in year 8 or not. As my school doesn't until year 9. (I learnt it by myself)
TryingForMHS Other33 Oh thats crazy, my school taught me last year but only surds, this year it was only a brief summary of trig and pythag
Other33 TryingForMHS I think this is because 1/3 of my cohort failed the first test on integers/indices.
AaronForSelective TryingForMHS Brother, don't we all learn surds, trig and pythag in grade 6? Or is it just me.
MMHS my primary school was very smart, like there were 10 kids who got 99.95 stars and graduated from my school
TryingForMHS How did you learn that in primary school. No wonder you are smarter than me I started learnign TEEL in primary school ;-;
MMHS PotatoSinghThe3rd bro my mum would sit me down like every week when i was in yr 1 to test my time tables up to 12's. now they just come naturally.
Skyward1264 Miio In a way bc I go to Kambrya College which is really close to Nossal and a lot of kids are trying out for it but then again I am trying out for macrob.
MMHS my summer sport is hockey im in a's. Tbf tho i wanna do badminton not soccer but i cant change now 😥
Ronaldo AaronForSelective ye for maths go to the page Suzanne Cory year 9 2025 and scroll to melonas post or tas and they will have it for maths