Danny Persuasive was about If you should still chose to go to cinemas or not and narrative was about a girl in a dark seated area
mizi Danny not exactly on the first, tbh i assume its around the school holidays this term or exactly a month after the actual examination (which would both be in july)
mizi [deleted] i would say as long as your results are mostly superiors and high averages, but 1/2 above average depending on the superiors u have can still mean a chance in getting in! (as someone with a sibing that goes to mhs)
MMHS Ronaldo nah you can get an average, genrally macrob is harder to get into (less spots) and some people get in with avg
Ronaldo [deleted] ye but if ur school is smart like smart smart then minimum for everyone is 4 and thats guaranteed entry, not all the time tho
[deleted] mizi i dunno because my school's really competitive and when I mean competitive I mean competitive😭
mizi [deleted] competitive doesnt mean everyones gonna get a high score, you could outperform them yk 😉
[deleted] Ronaldo last year the people from my skl who got in only had two-three superiors. but that was because only 3-4 people applied. this year there's around 15 just from my campus and they're all high distinction students. i'm extremely cooked aren't i 😭
[deleted] Ronaldo um idk cos last year the candidates from my skl were um a bit less gifted to say the least. they were all in the top like 40% of my school's cohort. this year basically everyone in the top 15% minus the scholarship students are going for it. 😭
clover i've got like 9 other people (that i know of) trying out from my school. they're all in the SEAL class, and only 4 of us can get in... 🙁