YR10SEHSASPIRANT Hey give me your discord, we can talk privately if you want
JMSS Entry Tips
JMSSaspirant dont have dc bro do u have snap?
Here it is : jagveer2009
JMSSaspirant thanks boss
YR10SEHSASPIRANT you have to go through the trenches to get in. From 300 to 30 . JMSS is also hard 1500-1400 all the way to 200
but if you have good science and math knowledge and have a good personality you could probably give a good shot for both schools. But take both for better chances unless your broke. Also do you have any good extra curricular or co-curriculars? they will help a lot in year 10 entry.
.. yes i am part of the victorian high ability program for maths and English
YR10SEHSASPIRANT are you good at sports(state level)? any competition awards? or did community service like for example volunteering at a community soccer club?
.. not rlly
YR10SEHSASPIRANT They already will have hundreds of people that excel academically so they need like sporty people or people in music. Mostly people that are more than just marks.
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YR10SEHSASPIRANT do them in year 9, I did a bunch and put I it on my resume.
.. i have done music exams though
YR10SEHSASPIRANT Did you do an instrument and performed on a high level? Also are you a part of any clubs? And try as many opportunities to get leadership roles.
.. ok beta
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.. yep piano
Guys do any of you have any exam practice papers so I can practice?
YR10SEHSASPIRANT Did you play in ensembles? have pictures of you in those ensembles? You also need to have proof just to let you know. Also are you in any clubs?
.. yes i have some pictures of me performing piano at skl
.. yeah chess club