clover Me, but it’s good that there wasn’t a written prompt, because with only one picture, you can write about anything pretty much.

hi guys, i know its random but i have a quick question, did you shade the bubbles with pen or pencil?

  • MMHS replied to this.

    my preferences respectively were MacRob, Nossal and Suzanne Cory ( though if i did get accepted to schs i probably wouldnt accept it)

    MMHS everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, its not like everyone found maths hard…

    Ronaldo Numerical was definitely the hardest, but for some reason I preformed the best on it. Also, @MMHS Thanks a lot for sharing your outlook, for some reason my school admin banned sending messages to other schools.. if you want, my gmail is .

      Do u guys know if the pd is only for schools that reached the 4% cap or can it happen to anyone regardless of the school they go to? Little bit confused 🙏

      • MMHS replied to this.

        PotatoSinghThe3rd thats great man, i performed the worst on nr, the patterns were hard for me to figure so i ended up skipping a lot (guessing). My easiest was vr, reading and writing so pretty much all eng subjects, most of math was fine but some questions were hard like that bike one which i got stuck on and the gear one

          MMHS Yes, I also couldn't solve that one, ended up skipping it. Well, looks like you did great on english, for me my tops were writing and numerical. One thing I can't stop thinking about was my time management, like I keep on remembering this moment where the guy said there was five minutes remaining.. and I was on question 19 in math. Idk how on earth I'm alive rn, but regretting anything won't help in the long run. I should just keep my eye on the ball, and keep on grinding no matter if I get in or not. Good luck everybody, I just hope I'm not a cooked potato.