NOSSALSUCCESSBUTNOTGOING MMHS hmm not rlly sure, there is nothing about it online other than it being edutest.
MMHS NOSSALSUCCESSBUTNOTGOING damn, ig harder to prepare, perhaps ask the yr 10 chats like the getting into nossal yr 10 or whatever
NOSSALSUCCESSBUTNOTGOING MMHS yeah not rlly any chats for it lol. i assume its just edutest of yr 9 sehs
Mira284 Guys, out of the 5 people that applied from my school to MGHS I was the only one that got in and I'm actually terrified. I keep telling them that there's always round 2 but I have to face the fact I'll probs be going into year 9 alone. 🙁(((
Letshope Mira284 you are like my friend, she got into Nossal in round 1 and no-one else from my school did.
Mira284 Letshope Yeah it's so bitter-sweet when you have to leave friends behind, but I'm so excited for mac rob. 🙂 It really feels like hardly any people got in this year so I'm really grateful.
JMSSaspirant Guys i got cooked in the NHS year 10 entry exam, got rejected (cuz i didnt get any email LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL) Nossal aint good anyways (ITS VERY GOOD), but the curriculum for the normal schools vs Selective entry are exact same!