please never say that "i expected better from myself" when you literally missed out on being the best of the best on all 5 tests, that is extremely high and people would die for those results. It really annoys me when people say oh i am so sad with these results, i could've done way better, when clearly that isn't the case, you missed out by 1 band or ranking and that's it. If you go around schs next year saying i could've done better and then tell them your results, people wont like that, trust me, its happened to me when i have gotten a high mark and said its not good enough, people just get pissed. Even though i have manifested these traits, i have grown against them. These sehs results, doesn't matter if its acer or edu, are to be taken wholeheartedly in many ways yes, but they wont decide your future, your career, your success, so just accept it because in a few weeks you will forget an have to move on.