Dosanjh (NHS) Well thats for the general content but they do actually have some year 9 and 10 questions but most people wouldn't be able to tell what it was
n1khilNossal Sejal Nah as someone who did the recent test that's definitely not true. And the English components were easy as.
MMHS YR10SEHSASPIRANT maths was not too tough honestly, also nr wasn't that hard it was just that some tutoring centres didn't practice those types of questions (format) enough, so it was kind of like a shock
YR10SEHSASPIRANT MMHS fr, but im js strong with numbers so i feel nr was simple but maths was just not what we expected
MMHS MHS successful candidate no i said that maths was only tough because it wasn't the format i was used to, the question type
MMHS MHS successful candidate anyways it doesn't matter anymore, i already go to mhs so no point dwelling on the test, its time for your cohort
asianasen yeh tru, if you did make it into a sehs school, there's no point dwelling on the test anymore, and math imo wasn't too bad, it was hard but it was doable
asianasen MHS successful candidate for a math question? i really do not remember the questions for the test, but i did get a superior for math
asianasen MHS successful candidate it's been almost a year since ive done the test, but there might be some constructive geometry, since acer made the test questions difficult to work out, and the format of the question was diagrams or worded iirc
asianasen MHS successful candidate alg! js ask if you need anything else, i have a fond memory of the verbal, writing and english for some reason, maybe because the math is js too annoying