:): I also had the same problem as u. Sucked at RC and VR. There really aren't any huge tips other than to read more complex literature. What I would do occasionally was when reading any type of media(books, manga, articles, etc) I would speed read a 1-2 paragraphs of text, then without looking try to remember as much information and jot it down on a piece of paper, then read the original text slowly to see any hidden meanings or connections(cus that happens a lot in RC tests), then compare what I wrote to what was actually there. If I had two completely different meanings from what I wrote to what was the actual meaning then I would try to tone down the speed, and repeatedly do that until I could fully comprehend a text in one read. This gradually helped me pick up reading faster, saving me precious seconds if not minutes.
sorry for the waffling in advance, hope it helps! btw u are way faster than me at getting over selective, I was depressed for like half a year, then finally I started to get a grip and focus on what is important(year 10 entry). I believe that you'll make it.