MMHS what the hell do you mean false hope, if there are spots to be filled then you may still get in, just means you didn't get good scores, mediocre ones at most
.. Honestly I didn't even worry about year 10 entry this year until april 💀 So good luck on getting in, you are already further than me in preparation!
.. MauryanBroski yo what is the beef with you two? Like I know you think that 818 is an annoying person but bringing them down doesn't solve the issues you have with them. It just makes the situation worse.
MMHS bruh keep it down bro atar notes is a place for discussions not public shame and humiliation, i have been banned for like 1 day due to a remark that I shouldn't have said, and the one's you are saying are way worse
MauryanBroski MMHS lol. and trust me i wouldnt say to anyone i dont know or anyone else. but u dont know what has happened in out class. this girl might seem not so rude but she annoys everyone in class everyday and disrespects the teachers so much so i had to put her in her place
818 MauryanBroski why am i always pinpointed? i really thought this was a place about education - not making fun of people. i have deleted all the message irrelevant to this chat so you should too.
YR10SEHSASPIRANT MauryanBroski honestly, i hate ppl that disrespect teachers. @818 why would u wanna do that??
MauryanBroski YR10SEHSASPIRANT fax like we js wanna do class and she interupts and laughs at the teacheers while watching youtube
MMHS YR10SEHSASPIRANT exactly @818 don't put the blame on others, please no one wants to deal with gossip or drama so if you have nothing to add and all of your arguments are negative then just go talk on a different discussion somewhere else, i thought this was a tutoring discussion
YR10SEHSASPIRANT MauryanBroski bro @818 ur in seal u have benefits. so many ppl would ide to be in ur situation and all u do is laugh? pathetic