MMHS Yea no I completely agree that although it does include some form of math, methods and more specific topics is useless. Yes, doctors, lawyers, etc are definitely more academically challenging; there's definitely no denying that.
And yep, a side job would likely add to the pressure, however, there are tons of resources to help with this and oftentimes keepers are really close with each other, so they tend to support each other through times of hardships. Plus just seeing the animals everyday is dream-like, so that is definitely the main motivator. Most keepers/trainers have roommates and they share costs together. A side job isn't necessary, but yea it would definitely help. Plus, if I do end up doing psychology, then I wouldn't need another degree because I believe counsellor, or something related would be a stable side job
It's really interesting hearing your views on this, and it definitely doesn't seem like moral scrutinising so yea
And no I haven't gotten into SEHS yet, and I honestly have no hope left lol, so JMSS or SEHS Yr 10 entry is my goal rn