Basically the reason behind her explanation was that we are observing the microbe growth every day so time is changing.
And if u plot a graph (which my friend did not even do) time would be x axis and microbe on y axis

  • MMHS replied to this.

    Sheepy nah i wouldn’t want to settle that. you should tell your teacher that the iv is the manipulated or changed factor, which IS the flask. time wasn’t changed or manipulated or changed in this experiment, because as you mentioned, it was controlled.

      Sheepy please do! i’m all for re-earning deserved marks, and you got ripped off 😭😭

        Sheepy exactly, it cant be broth, this is controlled as it is kept the same, the cupboard temp was the same, you observed each flask at the same time, the only thing that you actually changed was the type of flask, and measured the contamination levels if im not wrong abt that

          FH ikkkkk I didn't argue back that day because then everyone is like you are interfering. But I researched later that day and I was like how man???

          MMHS we only did qualitative observations but we did observe the contamination levels but just qualitatively

          • MMHS replied to this.

            Sheepy the thing is, an independant variableis something you change, see here, i did an experiment a toy car ramp one, to see the distances they would go, i used three diff cars, so the cars are the iv bc im changing the type, secondly, im also changing the angle of the ramp, and the dv is the actual measurment of how far they go, the thing that is controlled is the ramp length, and ground surface

              MMHS microbe growth but just qualitatively (we saw how the straight neck flask increased in contamination and swan neck remained the same)