What's the independent variable in Louis pasteurs swan neck flask? It's the type of flask correct?
Or is time? Thanks

The dependant variable is the microbial growth

Independent variable in Louis pasteurs swan neck experiment

Uhhh exactly what I said but a classmate of mine argued for time 😭 and got a mark

  • FH replied to this.

    Sheepy wouldn’t time technically be a dependent variable though?

      im not exactly sure of the whole experiment but the independant variable is something you are changing physically, and if you are testing different flasks, then the flask is the independant, but idk without acc doing the experiment

        FH yeah since u are measuring it

        MMHS EXACTLYYY that's so true so it literally can't be time

        The experiment involved two flask (one swan neck and one control) and we poured broth in it and left it in a cupboard for about 2 weeks. Each day we observed what happened to the broth. The one in the swan neck was not contaminated and the one in straight neck was contaminated.

        • MMHS replied to this.

          But the other person was like no time is independent and dependant is microbe growth.

          I said time is controlled, independent is flask and dependant is microbial growth.

            FH The person went full on crazy. I'm so disappointed. This task was 40%

            • FH replied to this.

              Basically the reason behind her explanation was that we are observing the microbe growth every day so time is changing.
              And if u plot a graph (which my friend did not even do) time would be x axis and microbe on y axis

              • MMHS replied to this.

                Sheepy nah i wouldn’t want to settle that. you should tell your teacher that the iv is the manipulated or changed factor, which IS the flask. time wasn’t changed or manipulated or changed in this experiment, because as you mentioned, it was controlled.