ik the world is not all rainbows ans sunshine
JAC account for sale
MauryanBroski I am thinkikng about others as i am offering them papers and helping them achieve their goals, and also i have a wife and 3 kids to feed
ReyanSuccessfulSelectiveAplicant ye and im giving for free
MauryanBroski But mate, i need the income poppa
ReyanSuccessfulSelectiveAplicant idc if u have a wifre and 3 kids, get a job then
MauryanBroski sometimes u gottu realise that the world is not all rainbows and sun shine and that money is very important. U need to escpae the matrix. Its called business mind moyte
ReyanSuccessfulSelectiveAplicant not my problem thats js not my problem
@MHSNERDD dont buy from this guy, he just got moved away becuase oif his innapropriate behaviour
MauryanBroski WOW. JUST WOW., says he is considerate and wants to help others yet he just said he doenst care about my starving kids and wife. tsk tsk tsk not good
nikhilNossal WOW ur 3 dollars richer that aint gonna help u escape the matrix
ReyanSuccessfulSelectiveAplicant u can help ur kids by getting a job not scamming kids for jac accounts where i can give for fre
MauryanBroski money is money, u gotta fix ur mindset https://www.google.com/search?q=andrew+tate++escpe+the+matirx&sca_esv=c4803f513892b5ac&rlz=1C1ONGR_enAU1115AU1115&udm=2&biw=1280&bih=598&sxsrf=ADLYWIJJkWmZLm8WuKflIkoBCyOA3S1sUQ%3A1729477431240&ei=N7sVZ8ywDpOG4-EP7JTW4Q4&ved=0ahUKEwiMqL6_tZ6JAxUTwzgGHWyKNewQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=andrew+tate++escpe+the+matirx&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiHWFuZHJldyB0YXRlICBlc2NwZSB0aGUgbWF0aXJ4SPYSUKUBWK8ScAB4AJABAJgB7gGgAZQYqgEGMC4xMS42uAEDyAEA-AEBmAIFoALLB8ICBBAjGCfCAgUQABiABMICBhAAGAgYHsICBxAAGIAEGBiYAwCSBwUwLjQuMaAHuSM&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#vhid=GTV6gPO6WabIqM&vssid=mosaic heres a book for ya @MauryanBroski
MauryanBroski mayto dont cappos. U got moved away L aura -10000 now u have to sit alone
MauryanBroski with that logic u should take all your clothes of and give it to people. Boots 1
nikhilNossal i never said u can not sell your items. i js said ill give it for free. if thats bad for u thats not my problem
nanggu pangu
- Edited
I will give an account for only 30000000000 dollars. I don't have a wife and kid to feed, just Reyan.