hiuyt antimono Hi, i am sitting for sesh test this year. Can you please send me your vocab.com list and also your template for writing. Thanks in advance
chxin Dosanjh (NHS) u should be happy that there are people here cus when its not peak time of year {march to august} its pretty boring
Dosanjh (NHS) antimono Yeah Edu Kingdom isn't the best in my tuition I just started and it is a very difficuilt tuition and our teacher's daughter got into Mac. Rob first round and she said all the grade 8's were very focused and spent hours each day🫡
Dosanjh (NHS) .. That isn't exactly true most kids would try for Scotch and Hailbury and it depends on the students interests
din Dosanjh (NHS) theyd try for both, there were sm ppl in my year who tried for scholarships as well as sehs u never know
chxin MMHS imma still make it if i study 6 hours doing 3 in the morning and 3 in the arvo then i do 12 test per day
Chakraboi matureagedstudent spesh and chem r exaggerated on how difficult they are. My cousins doing latin, spesh, methods, chem, english lit and physics. As long as u know ur stuff its not that hard.