ghost MHS successful candidate hey i am wondering whether the JMSS test and the SEHS year 10 entry tests are on the same day or not, because i would like to take both of them to increase my chances.....
Dosanjh (NHS) ghost No they aren't because many people take both of the tests, so the dates don't crash.
MHS successful candidate ghost they are not on the same day, some people want to take both tests so they can't be on the same day
.. ghost the sehs year 10 entry test is ez. But u doing NHS year 10 entry so u would need like 4 sups and 1 aa minimum to get on the waiting list. Not that hard, jus don't stress(like most people do) and be well prepared. The biggest concern in my opinion is time management.
yoweo does anyone have any tips or advice for the year 10 entry exam, im kinda stuck alittle bit and i think im over piling my work and studies because i have no idea what to do (if u have any other suggestions other than tutoring pls help, i would appreciate that ^^)
din was there a lot of worded problems(problem solving) questions for yr 10 entrance or ws it like straightforward questions for the maths and nums components
.. yoweo oh SCHS, aight hope u get in. What I meant by extra curriculars is like are u apart of any clubs, sports, community service, competitions etc. I asked this because in year 10 entry they are needed in your application.