asianasen matureagedstudent maybe at a terrible public school you used to be in, please realise how little that reflects on the other people who try that are in public schools
MHS successful candidate matureagedstudent U probably don try, literally everyone i know puts in effort at their school(unless their crazy nerds)
YR10SEHSASPIRANT MHS successful candidate ye cuz hes a junkie whos working minimum wage at my local maccas
asianasen MHS successful candidate people arent naturally born w/ talent tho, you gotta at least put in sum effort unlike this 'mature' junkie
asianasen din i cant find a substitute for the word 'junkie' that has a positive connotation, idk what to call him (we should stop calling him a junkie tho)
asianasen YR10SEHSASPIRANT funny how he calls people broke and public schools trash (and also broke) when he was an attendee of a public school lmao
MHS successful candidate asianasen let's stop making fun of him and talk about something else until he comes back
din MHS successful candidate yes, and like we dont know what hes been thru like his experiences would be different compared to ours and that could be influencing his opinions
asianasen MHS successful candidate that's true, he mightve been thru stuff we havent, and caused him to say these stuff
asianasen js a question (im confused on this), if any of you know this is a redox (reaction) js the change of oxidation state of a reacting substance?