Just wondering if I am in a good position to start year 11 considering I am at a low ranked public high school. I saw a reddit post saying that for methods you need the foundation topics like exponentials, logs, functions and relations and more. I have learned these topics but math has been my best subject forever and my school excels in math department so I am just making this discussion to ask if I have enough prerequisite knowledge to succeed in year 11.
Ill just write the topics I covered in term 3 & 4, year 10, as my school "starts" unit 1 then:
Biology: Must've left some bits out but this is a short summary
really felt good with the topics but didn't perform well in exam due to putting too much pressure on myself, content wasn't toooo much but it definitely was my most content filled subject.
Excretory system (gas exchange, osmoregulation (nephrons) and anatomy of alveoli, lungs etc)
Respiratory system (flow of air, what the body does to inhale and exhale, etc)
Digestive system (main focus on enzymes, ways of breaking downs foods and what into and anatomy of the digestive track)
Biological molecules (the monomers of molecules, proteins, carbs etc)
Circulatory system (heart anatomy, flow and structure of blood/ blood vessels, effect of altitude (haemoglobin))
Chemistry: really love this subject, explores the natures of particles and everyday reactions.
Stoichiometry (basic mole/ gram calculations/ conversions)
chemical reactions (unit 1 level) (exo vs endo thermic) (rate of reactions)
periodic table trends (basically review of year 9)
bonds (ionic compounds/ formulas and properties, precipitate reactions)
atomic structure
Physics really found physics fun, As I love math using it to solve physical problems really makes me more curious as our teacher likes to explain "ahead" of the syllabus. I think we were taught the fundamentals for year 11 and focused on perfecting the habits needed, especially in term 3. I think I also left out a few topics for physics as I am writing this all off memory
units and prefixes (also scientific notation, order of mag, rounding rules, uncertainties, errors)
excel graphing
thermo physics (heating and cooling, properties of particles, kinetic particle model of matter, internal energy, thermal expansion, q=mcT , energy systems)
Methods Its math, really never could dislike it and really have just learned math to a point where class is boring and I am just ticking topics off the syllabus, genuinely excited for end of year 11/ all of year 12 where we learn calc.
Arithmetic and geometric progressions
functions and relations
algebra (solving mainly log equations)
Specialist math Felt ready for the exam but teacher threw a curve ball question and it smacked me in the face, as we learned trig and proofs he combined the complex unfamiliar question with both and I was stumped, ended up getting a B so pretty disappointed with the result but again I think I lost easy marks due to all the pressure I had put on myself.
Trig (pythag identity, unit circle, graphing)
circle theorems (proof was fun)
intro to proof (mainly just similarity and congruency to introduce us to the topic)
probability (very easy just questions are worded hard)
vectors (very large topic as it was basically all of term 4 so we learned dot product, scalar resolute, parallels and perpendicular resolute, magnitudes and direction, finding components, unit vectors)
geometric proof using vectors (I wont lie in saying I hated this at the start because I couldn't wrap my head around how I am supposed to know where to start with proofs, It came easier as I learned that most of the questions were based around like 2 or 3 core concepts)
English Never was really good at English, as ATAR only takes top 5 subjects here in QLD I doubt English will be in there as I have averaged a B for as long as I can remember.
term 3 was an analytical essay and term 4 was creative writing which I did enjoy but never knew how to study to get better.
Overall just wanted to share this experience and also potentially gain some responses to whether or not These topics have prepared me well enough for year 11.