Hey! Congrats on finishing year 10!
As long as you’re confident in these topics, you should be alright for year 11. Personally, I felt year 11 was the same as year 10, except with differently styled assessment. My advice would be to focus on your study habits these holidays. Reflect on how you study, because our syllabus strongly relies on properly understanding concepts, rather than memorisation. Especially for Physics. Year 11 for me was a trial and error year and my grades (especially for exams) were trash. And if the way you study is not great and solely based on memorisation and passive recall, I strongly suggest learning go to study. Trust me, it’s a total game changer. Another tip, branching off this, is learning what study methods to use when you’re learning a concept vs. study methods when you’re revising.
I’d also suggest having an exam-day-strategy kinda thing. If you seem stressed out or are putting too much pressure on yourself, ask why. Write it down. Write down your feelings to get a full grasp of why you’re putting too much pressure on yourself. Just keep in mind, it’s not an end-of-the world situation. Fake that confidence into the exam room, and trust me mate, you’ll be amazing.
Learning time management skills will also be useful to make year 11 a little smoother. Year 11 was definitely trial and error for most of our cohort so don’t be too hard on yourself if you mess up a little. As long as you learn from your mistakes and do better in year 12, you’ll be right.
Hope this helped, sorry this post is so long, and feel free to ask more questions,