MMHS I definitely thought about this a lot!! Not just tutoring but like life in general.. things will change and it's kind of bittersweet since for the last year ish or months we've all been preparing and working towards this goal 😭
As stressful as all is and how freeing it will feel after completing the test, something will be missing, right? It feels so crazy that the test is practically days away, when last year I really felt a bit indifferent to it all
Chatting on atarnotes with everyone who can all relate to each other and are in the same year working towards the same goal feels so great, like everyone here is really together in this
In one week, we may all be here talking about how the test went
And who knowss, we might even see another an user irl?? We might even end up meeting each other in the same school next year? The future holds lots