There's no 'specific' part you have to focus on cause the math test is quite broad from what I remember. And I'm pretty sure the topics in it may change year to year but it won't differ too much. It's best to learn everything you might need to know cause there's always a possibility of it being on the tests.
Victorian selective school
Ok ty
did anyone get a fourth round offer
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They already came out, and its very rare to get one (especially now).
someone in my class got one
does anyone live in geelong and go to suzenne cory?
Hi guys, I know this post hasn't been touched since 2023 but I'm taking the selective exam this year so I was wondering if you guys have any tips since the test is like 5 weeks away? I was wondering what topics will be in the quantitative or maths (IM trying to build my understanding of concepts)? Also for verbal is there any way you can build a good vocabulary? My first preference is Macrob and second is Nossal so if I don't get in first preference is there still a chance to get ur second preference?
is it possible to get into year 10 selective school if I start now please I did the test in year 8 and did not make it in and gave up but I had a sudden change and I wanted to get in so any tips or ideas how the test will be different from last year will it be acer or edu and any other help PLEASE HELP ME.
i have the same question please reply if u get any tips or info
Hi guys,
I had a question, if the 4% rule of the number of students to get accepted is applied, and majority of the candidates are boys but you are trying to get into Macrob, is there a better chance to get acepted with less girls to compete with?pls respond asap cause im deperrate to knoww
sui i dont really know cuz im doing the test this yr as well but I dont think it matters what school you put down cuz like your competing with other school girls as well. Also i dont think they have to accept anyone from a school if the results aren’t good enough, idk tho. Does anyone have any last minute tips?
Hi guys, I was just wondering honestly on whats the best thing to try to aim for writing
usually its marked out of 20 and to get superior you'd have to get 18 or above. I hope this was what you meant
If ur talking about your school that u currently attend then it kind of matters if there is a lot of people trying out for the test, but if ur talking about the whole yr 8 cohort that takes it including all schools then you need to be top 11% of students in order to get the highest or 'superior', so if there were 4000 students applying which there usually are then only 440 students would get the highest bracket.
oh kkk thx for response
how many superiors is "good enough", (going to a fairly competitive school, 20 people trying in an 100 people cohort). 1,2,3. 5?
It depends on how good your cohort is.For example,if the studetns in your school average around 1 or 2 superiors and between hight average and average,you would need to get 2 or 3 superiors to have the best chance and no averages at all.To help u can you tell me what school u go to?
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your school is extremely competitive because unfortunately if ur not one of the 4 smartest people in your cohort then you wont be able to get an offer if 4 other people do better than you (PD rule), if you are a girl and aiming for macrob, then you need at least 2 superiors but then the rest must be above average, for a school like yours i think 4 superiors you should aim for. If your a boy hoping to get in MHS then same thing applies. Also, try not to get average or below as then your chances decrease dramatically, so always aim for superiors if not aa. Though if you do have 4 superiors and your writing pieces are HA then you will still have a good chance. What school do you attend lol. I only have 3-4 trying and 256 in my cohort. Do you do any external tutoring. If not then I'm afraid its probably too late as many tutoring services would have already started simulation of real tests and done their mock test.
guys what does principal discretion mean? And how to get it?