Hey I'm doing methods currently and in my differentiation sac I got 76 and integration probability I got 65 what grades would i need in the exam to get a 40?

    venky57 It rly depends on the year, some years you need a higher mark that others, you can check the grade distribution to get an idea. I got 99% for Exam 2, and 93 or 95% for Exam 1, My sacs were 90's and I ended up with a 42.

      What did your SACs scale to?
      It seems crazy to me that you got 79/80 for E2 and 38/40 for E1 and only received a 42.

        charl I don't remember how to check but I got raw 90's in them except one which I messed up bad and got a 75 or smth. The exam last year was rly easy so that's why, normally those exam marks would yield a high ss.

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