POST 21 - 14/07/2024

a little update because i haven’t properly written in here for a week or so. i did get my business score which i did talk about above because i was really shocked and excited. awaiting the english creating texts sacs 1 and 2 which should be cross marked by next thursday. getting a practice test for psych back tomorrow. general and extended investigation are awaiting grades too.

english is such a drag right now. like, creating texts feels like it is going on for far too long. i, by no means, want to start oedipus the king because i haven’t read it, but it will be such a nice break from writing creatively. i am planning to start reading it tomorrow… determination! creating texts sac tomorrow during the middle of the day, can’t wait.

extended investigation is… ok. i dont like it but im not hating on it right now. the sac is out of the way and we have an oral presentation in 3-4 weeks. mostly now is fleshing out that literature review, planning for the oral presentation, and completing interviews.

general is so fun right now. i so hate finance solver, but i love the recursion topic so so much. sac for that next wednesday after school. gotta finish my bound and smash through a gazillion practice questions.

psych is actually so annoying right now. we did 3 pracs for the sac which is next monday after school, but my teacher always disapproves of my working style which works for me because i’m doing quite well, i just dont study for the practice tests because i dont want to waste my time especially when i have other sacs going on which actually matter. getting the test back tomorrow and i left 18% blank, so that will be fun to see the first C or D for the year.

and i am ranked 1 for business. that is a good feeling.

i’ve wanted to pick up leisure reading but i’ve realised i really have no time for that. i feel like that is a post-high school dedication. i gotta get my tfn organised (sigh) and think more about uni. who thought it would be a good idea to let teenagers decide their life path!?

    FH congrats again on the business score and we're just about to start SAC 1 for creating texts so at least you'll be finished before us? and yeah I don't see the point in revising for a prac sac (isn't the point to identify what areas you need to revise)

    • FH replied to this.

      Rey_of_sunshine yeah, and the thing is, it isn’t even a practice sac. it’s a topic test. not even similar to the sac half the time. and they literally use the practice tests for teachers off jacplus which, if i really wanted to, could just use the answers…

      how does your english sacs work? we did the pre-planned + commentary sac first and tomorrow we are doing the stimuli one.

        FH we're doing stimuli tommorow and then will spend the next 2 weeks doing the polished piece and commentary

        • FH replied to this.

          Rey_of_sunshine oh wow. when do you start exam revision because our school starts exam revision very early september, except for general which starts mid-august.

            FH like october (term 3) we do like 2 weeks revision and then it's all revise by yourself from memory

            • FH likes this.

            FH lol fair enough, hopefully you can start enjoying it again

            • FH likes this.
            • FH replied to this.

              FH I hope the stress doesn't catch you (or at least remains minimal)

              • FH likes this.

              g4rl1cg1rl agreed. it is so biology based and I dropped bio for a reason. another 5 months we got this!

              Jay hey! thank you so much 🙂. i requested access. i also don’t use discord, but thank u.

              • Jay replied to this.

                Hi FH. Seems like you're getting some amazing advice and a lot of support for your Year 12 journey, you seem to be doing pretty well. Something I wanted to discuss with you, which I think a lot of people don't consider enough is your choice of having a gap year, which I think is an excellent idea.
                A lot of my friends from my Year level got very strong scores, and didn't even think about taking a gap year at all, but what they didn't realise is that they needed a break. Some of them ended up dropping out in their first year of university. I always wanted to take a gap year, because my oldest sister took one, and she had a blast. During my gap year, I worked in Ski Hire at a little shop in Bright, and I got two days off a week to go skiing at Falls Creek or Hotham. Definitely the best experience ever, but you might like to set your focus on something else. Maybe doing some work and saving up money, or travelling around to experience the world around you. You'll be 18 by then, so a world of opportunities and possibilities will open for you. It's definitely a good idea to relax and not be constantly studying into 2025.
                Let me know what you'll do, and to any other Year 12s, I seriously recommend a gap year for anyone. Don't be some nerd who has to be constantly studying, slow down, enjoy life while you're young, and you can get those As in 2026

                • FH replied to this.

                  FinFin-3rdYearUni hi! and thanks for reading through my diary of yappery.
                  i’ve been contemplating a gap year for the last month or so. my biggest worry with taking a year off is that i’ll become really lazy, because it took me a solid week to get back into routine from the term holidays. and i was like… what’s 16 months going to do to me?
                  a snow resort sounds so cool by the way that would be such a fun place to work.

                  ATAR Notes
                  It's completely up to you. To be honest, I got a bit bored by November/December of my gap year, so I was definitely ready to go back to classes. If you want to keep the ball rolling with studies, maybe you could become a tutor in the subjects you do well in. If you have any older siblings/relatives/school friends who took a gap year, or decided not to, talk to them about your options. My gap year felt like a refresher, but some people might not view it the same way. Either way, I'm sure you'll make the best decision for yourself

                  • FH likes this.

                  FH ahh turned the link on now!

                  • FH likes this.
                  • FH replied to this.