just did this graded writing task for english omg… THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD READ THE ASSIGNED TEXTS I HAD NO IDEA WHAT TO WRITE AHHSAHHA

    POST 24 - 03/06/2024

    guess who’s wisdom teeth have decided to appear?? i am in so much pain and i literally can’t afford to take time off school to get them removed. hopefully i dont die before november 6 then i can book an appointment but i literally cannot feel the left side of my mouth.

    exam timetable works pretty good in my favour ngl. i have my EI oral presentation from october 14-18, before the english exam on october 29. then general exam 1 on november 1, followed by psych/general exam 2 on november 4. and the final exam of business on november 6. finish 3 weeks before my 18th which is nice.

    literally am regretting not reading the play for english. practice sac is next week and i have NO idea what is going on. i suppose i should do that after school but UGHHHHHHH IT IS SO BORING. currently sitting in study doing practice business questions because i decided i should start practice exams in june. gotta stay true to myself.

    hope everyone is okkkk and keeping warm because melbourne sucks!!

    omgomgomg i forgot to write… i went out on saturday to buy friendship bracelet stuff for when i see conan in 38 DAYS AHHHHH!!! im now $35 more dollars broke than i was already, but it has been sm fun making them i hope i can find people to swap with it is gonna be so cool.

      what a day. psych test went alright. phone got confiscated. and being trolled on last fm for being a quote “typical gay swiftie” 😭. literally cannot wait to go to sleep, lowkey thinking 9pm at this point HAHSHAAH.

      GOT MY PHONE BACK!! have to fess it back up after school though, only allowed to have it to call in case i get in danger. oh well i caught up on all my missed messages at least HSHAHAAH

        FH OH how you are so luckyy 😭 Honestly that is a well spent $35 haha.. I hope u enjoy itt!

        • FH likes this.
        • FH replied to this.

          Melona ⭐ HEHEHEHE it was indeed a well spent $35. the beads are a little small for the string, which is a little struggle, but i’ve made 2 and it has been so much fun!

            FH I've always wanted to do something like that hehe but I don't know what I'd do with all the bracelets and I'm not sure who really wants them hahah 😴

            • FH replied to this.

              Melona ⭐ if you’re apart of fandoms, they tend to be traded out at concerts (which is why i bought them), otherwise they’re also very fun to accessorise with!!

                FH That sounds so fun 😭 A concert seems like the perfect place to make friends with similar interest haha, I remember seeing so many people making bracelets for Taylor's tour

                • FH likes this.
                • FH replied to this.

                  Melona ⭐ yesss taylor’s tour was what really started this. i’m seeing conan gray in july (he is practically considered taylor’s child LMAOO).
                  i agree, concerts are so much fun! i’m really anxious in large crowds + around people i dont know but the concert environment is one where im with people like myself, and all those worries go away. you should, when you can of course, book a concert ticket. best feeling ever 🙂

                    FH im so jealous of ppl who's faves come to aus bc i saw a couple free concerts by local bands during an event earlier this year (being crazy vague here lmao) and the environment was amazing even though I'd never seen or listened to any of them before I can't imagine how amazing it would be to see your faves
                    edit: long ahh tangent lmao

                    • FH likes this.
                    • FH replied to this.

                      ctrl+alt local bands are great! never hurts to see new people, and underground groups are usually really good.

                      before my first concert, i too couldn’t imagine the feeling to see my favourite conan gray. he got me through a lot in 2022, so when i saw him that year, i vividly recall i screamed when i saw him step on stage, and my legs went really really loose and could barely hold myself. i shed tears, screamed some more, and shed tears while screaming. the feeling is ethereal. that concert all together set me back $500ish dollars, but it was worth every cent.