MMHS MauryanBroski what did u get for maths? I got 68 which was pretty meh bc most questions were decent
AverageMultiChoiceTest MauryanBroski I'm gonna ignore that because I got 1 sup on that test, for me it was good (besides nr)
MauryanBroski AverageMultiChoiceTest and also i had high expectations for it so like for me i could have done that
Melona ⭐ Hey, does anyone know what I should aim for in practice tests? Like the percentage/score for each subject
Melona ⭐ MMHS For all the tests? I heard the avg for VR and reading comp is much higher compared to others
Ronaldo Sonic yep definitely people that have done the test personally told me it exceeds year 8 curriculum
MMHS AaronForSelective james an is mediocre id say bc sim 4 was pretty easy especially numerical so id say the real test will be easier than jame san ones 100%. If u get above or superior for ur james an tests then u have a good chance. Also, if u got above or superior overall average for james an mock tests then u have a high chance of getting in a school, bc ur practically the top 90 and 70 kids in all of james an (around 800-900 kids)
MMHS AaronForSelective im year 8 hence why im attempting the exam and my preferences are: MHS, SCHS, no nossal
mhs-grinder i_need_mental_asylum sry for late response but this may help:
nikhilNossal If everyone is doing this goodbye thin I might aswell do it. Atar notes was actually apretty cool place to see fellow aspirants converse abotu the exam other than my school. I expected everyone to be selfish and try to get on top of each other but it was actually pretty cool that everyone was working togehter. Who knows, we might pass each other during the exam (I'm in row K Stadium Beriwck). At the end of the day, this was pretty cool. @MauryanBroski @MMHS mhs-grinder Ronaldo @PotatoSinghThe3rd @ATAR @ReyanSuccessfulSelectiveAplicant @sigma boy i_need_mental_asylum @ZarraorTheDinosaur @cricket @sui @StudyKing @:): @AverageMultiChoiceTest @NOSSALSUCCESSBUTNOTGOING @AaronForSelective @changi @Skyward1264 @sehscandidate @Shayaan @Average Guy @anisha @TryingForMHS @TRyHarD @tryingforNHS GGs. My spelling mistakes are to good.