preferred careers
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MMHS my dad does not support that career decision - my mom partially doesn't, but i think she's noticed my intense passion and knows there's nothing she can do to change my mind, which is why my plan is to take psychology as a degree. i want to get into a good uni at least, so yea that's why i'm doing all this
also, having good social skills and public speaking skills is crucial for a career in the field, so going to sehs or jmss would expose me to people with those skills much more than i would be exposed to at a public school (not being rude but yea from my experience at public schools everyone just stutters and says "uhm" or "like" after every 2 words)
i could go on, but yea sehs, jmss or just any good school is a great place to be honestly, and although zookeeping may not seem like a complicated job, it's extremely competitive, and if everyone in sehs is just gonna go on to become a doctor or a lawyer or something like that, then it wouldn't be very diverse, soo yep, that's my opinion sorry this got long lol
whisper I respect that. Everyone in sehs want to become stuff like doctors and lawyers and they think you're successful in life only if u become that. But whats important in life is honestly js do smth that makes u happy. Anyways, I wna do smth related to business and accounting, always found that interesting.
My dream job is a radiologist if not then something in medicine
either a pilot or a doctor
whisper tbh if I were you (not being rude) would just stick to a normal school cuz selective schools are (only) for engineering, medical, doc, bio, and other stuff. I mean it’s your choice but I wouldn’t try out for selective if I were you…….. Plus (I’m not being rude) when you get selected for the JMSS interview next year, I really don’t think that they want someone to join JMSS who wants to work in Melbourne Zoo…….. cuz there’s a lot of competition for JMSS, 90% of people who try for JMSS want to become a doc, engineer, bio, Chem and others stuff, otherwise it’s up to you.
JMSSaspirant bro what is blud yapping abt
YR10SEHSASPIRANT u know ANIRUD he’s a fucking G
yea @whisper if you really want to become a zoo keeper, which involves no maths and complex sciences and whatever (biology ig) then there is no point trying out. Also yes, most people who get in sehs want to become engineer, doctor or a lawyer just naming a few, and that is because those are the most academically demanding and if you apply for a sehs, then its only right you pursue something that will test this. So if you want to be a zookeeper that's all good and i don't even think you need a formal qualification of university to become one lol
YR10SEHSASPIRANT mhm bro that’s all u say mhm
I've always wanted to be a teacher, and I'm studying in university now. My biggest inspirations were the teachers who were laid-back, yet took their work seriously; willing to goof off, yet also be mature.
My biggest dream is to teach in a regional school, as a science teacher, with a close-knit community, and eager students.
If you want to go to a selective school to pursue your future career, that's great! They can help you understand and even guide you into the right direction. One of my friends did 3/4 Further Maths in Year 11, and an ATAR in the mid-90s, and she still didn't know what career she wanted after Year 12. Sometimes, you wake up one day and know exactly what you want to do, other times, it takes a bit of self-discovery. If you want to, you could email or contact the Melbourne Zoo about the career pathway that it takes. Hopefully soon, we'll see you with the seals!