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MMHS my dad does not support that career decision - my mom partially doesn't, but i think she's noticed my intense passion and knows there's nothing she can do to change my mind, which is why my plan is to take psychology as a degree. i want to get into a good uni at least, so yea that's why i'm doing all this
also, having good social skills and public speaking skills is crucial for a career in the field, so going to sehs or jmss would expose me to people with those skills much more than i would be exposed to at a public school (not being rude but yea from my experience at public schools everyone just stutters and says "uhm" or "like" after every 2 words)
i could go on, but yea sehs, jmss or just any good school is a great place to be honestly, and although zookeeping may not seem like a complicated job, it's extremely competitive, and if everyone in sehs is just gonna go on to become a doctor or a lawyer or something like that, then it wouldn't be very diverse, soo yep, that's my opinion sorry this got long lol