
Good evening, fellow passenger (lol).

Thank you so much for linking your resource!!! But omg is there actually biofuels in bio? We're learning about it in chem, and we have to compare and contrast between bioethanol/biodiesel/biogas with the fossil fuels.

Last year was probably the most confusing and overwhelming time of my life. Methods was abhorrent, and I would not like to experience high school maths again. The teacher just showed us an example question, and left ourselves to our own devices. (Edit: and then I got sick every other month)

I haven't really put any time towards Art yet, but I really need to practise writing for the exam!! I'm actually concentrating on photography (black and white film) for the AOS (and maybe the rest of the year), so I've researched three photographers (Man Ray, Sally Mann, and Liu Zheng)

Thank you! JLPT is a reading and listening test, and it has five different levels; N1 is the hardest. It's said to be around near-native level, but I don't know if I've felt any improvement in my day-to-day Japanesing

Today was DREADFUL. First, my closest friends won't be going to Camp; second, my Chromebook charger caught fire and almost burnt down the house. It's the heatwave, I swear.

Good luck to you, too. Rooting for you!

School started again today and I got my Year 12 badge!! I cried a little on the train home bc I (kind of) still didn’t fully process that high school is going to be over.

Stressed because my friend studied all the Chem content over the holidays and I feel behind even though I’m still about two exercises ahead 😭. When I got home, I started to get frustrated over Chem.


  • Edrolo Biology readings, 5A and 5B
  • Heinemann Chemistry 3.1 (until Question 5)
  • Art written report (about 136/500 words)
  • Japanese Unit 3 Week 1 submission (only essay task left)
11 days later

I'm recovering from a cold that I think was passed on at school. I don't have a fever, but I do have a tension headache. As usual with all my colds/flus, I produced quite a lot of mucus, which, I think, irritates my throat and causes me to cough more.

This morning, I (informally) scheduled an appointment with the Careers Counsellor, and let me tell you one thing: I wish I had them Years 10 & 11!! But it's probably because I have the Methods prereq down, and that makes my degree choices easier 😭. Recently, I've been considering a Bachelor of Laws degree. I didn't have this option when I was in the US, but now I do, so now I'm thinking about whether I should do a double degree or just Law by itself.

Japanese is going pretty well so far. Last week, I had my first oral lesson with my teacher (I'm doing Japanese by correspondence), and if everything goes well this year, I'd say my goal is to get a Study Score of 50 >94% across the year.

At this point, I have finished writing the report on my chosen artist. I have gone way over the word count, so I'll need to edit it, print it out and paste it into my visual diary tomorrow.

I have my Chem tutoring tomorrow at 7p. After school, I'll need to revise on whatever my tutor is covering, which I have PROCRASTINATED put on the back burner because of my cold 🙂

I'm planning to join the public speaking meetup tomorrow lunch, too.

I did my bio readings & all the questions, but apparently I was also supposed to watch the videos 🙂)))

Alright, I'll come back tomorrow night to update <3

    13 days later

    Oooh, well done! Take note of the things you got wrong, or weren't sure of, and be sure to revise them for the exam. There's a long way to go, but you seem to have made a good start

    12 days later

    possible_to_return_passport Hii that's an awesome first SAC score! Congrats 🙂

    Also I remember u mentioning that u do Art CP as well, so I was just wondering what ur class is up to. My class is towards the end of AOS 1. We're working on our final artworks in preparation for our critiques next week, starting on Wednesday. So I've got quite a bit to do but I really like Art at least so hopefully I get it done.

    Wishing u luck for ur next SACs!! A 35/40 in bio is such a great score! If it helps for ur next AOS I can try and find my 3&4 bio resources from last year, as it was my higher study subject, and I can try upload them to ATARNotes if u like

      4 days later

      frog_of_spades Thank you ♥️

      We’re all at different stages right now because two new students in my class have picked it up without 1/2. Some haven’t even finished brainstorming, but one of my classmates already finished their outcome 1 final. I’m currently finished with my trials, just need to take two more photos or so, then scan & print out. Our critique is on the first week back from school.

        18/03/25 Quick summary of what happened these past few weeks

        • Watched Sunset Boulevard with the entire cohort
        • Crafting Texts SAC + 400-word commentary (I wrote like 1000 words in 50 minutes)
        • Chemistry SAC (Lots of calibration factor questions)
        • Currently starting the scientific poster (Unit 3, AOS 3) for Chemistry
        • Finished all content for cell. respiration/photosynthesis. The SAC is based on three experiments completed in class. We have a data sheet provided when the SAC comes, and we're supposed to be able to write an experimental aim, hypothesis, conclusion, comment on errors, limitations, and uncertainty
        • Tonight, my chem tutor finished explaining all content for electrolysis and I have lots of questions to do

        The biggest stuff-up I did on the prev. bio sac was not understanding that the experiment that the Bio teachers put in was an anabolic reaction, not a catabolic reaction, but I recall only losing one mark on the 'draw the diagram' question. Also, not being able to comment on uncertainty (a two-marker I left blank)

        Uncertainty should mean that there is a gap in the knowledge is a lack of the exact knowledge of the value of a measured quantity. So, something that is quantitative should have little uncertainty.

        possible_to_return_passport That's fair enough, my class was sort of in the same situation.
        What did you do for your trials?
        For mediums I trialled copics + other alcohol-based markers, etching and printmaking, coloured pencils, and digital art. And then I also did a collage trial for the text I might include in the final, as well as mini trials on composition, space, mood, and Figurative art and Expressionism. Honestly this was all like soo much work and now with adding my progress photos and annotations for my final I've almost finished my whole visual diary, and term 1 isn't even over 😭

        We've just started our critiques last class, so we need everything done for that 😭 I'm just adding the final touchs to my final artwork for this outcome bc my critique is next class. Plus we need our visual diary/folios up to date and a ppt to present!
        I think we're starting the next outcome right after critiques are done, so everything is very busy in my art class rn tbh

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