I'm recovering from a cold that I think was passed on at school. I don't have a fever, but I do have a tension headache. As usual with all my colds/flus, I produced quite a lot of mucus, which, I think, irritates my throat and causes me to cough more.
This morning, I (informally) scheduled an appointment with the Careers Counsellor, and let me tell you one thing: I wish I had them Years 10 & 11!! But it's probably because I have the Methods prereq down, and that makes my degree choices easier 😭. Recently, I've been considering a Bachelor of Laws degree. I didn't have this option when I was in the US, but now I do, so now I'm thinking about whether I should do a double degree or just Law by itself.
Japanese is going pretty well so far. Last week, I had my first oral lesson with my teacher (I'm doing Japanese by correspondence), and if everything goes well this year, I'd say my goal is to get a Study Score of 50 >94% across the year.
At this point, I have finished writing the report on my chosen artist. I have gone way over the word count, so I'll need to edit it, print it out and paste it into my visual diary tomorrow.
I have my Chem tutoring tomorrow at 7p. After school, I'll need to revise on whatever my tutor is covering, which I have PROCRASTINATED put on the back burner because of my cold 🙂
I'm planning to join the public speaking meetup tomorrow lunch, too.
I did my bio readings & all the questions, but apparently I was also supposed to watch the videos 🙂)))
Alright, I'll come back tomorrow night to update <3