I just wanna know the results you'll get doing all these lol. I'm thinking bout not starting 1/2 for spec but we'll see.
Mind you I'm in year 10 so giving advice from my pov is kind dumb (LMFAO). Anyways, for each assessment what I do is just write a bunch of dot-points. Dot-points, dot-points, dot-points. For assignments, make a few dot-points for each sub-section in your work on what you should do or talk about. If you feel that something isn't strong enough, like for a science ia3 your 'analysis' for example, you could add a dot-point to "write more details and how these respond to the RQ".
It's been really helpful tip for my assignments and has made doing my essays a lot easier. For exams, I just skim through as many pieces of information I can find right before the exam and recite some important facts in my head. Another tip, please go from the 1st question to last, exams are made like that for a reason!
Anyways I wish you the best of luck for your block exams and hope you find the best tips to use!